So I'm done the reading from file bit. It works! HURRAY! At least, all the tracing statements and things work, so that's really, super exciting.
Also, I've been looking at the HTML thing, and I'm thinking - it doesn't have to be in the format of a table, it can just be a list kind of like this:
Name: [insert teacher's name here]
Sunlight Level: [insert teacher level here]
Comments: [insert comments here]
Rather than having to be in a very professional looking way with all the table (because that not only requires an excessive amount of code, it also requires knowing HTML...which I, unfortunately, don't know that much about other than the basic <head> and <body> and <html> tag things).
+Vivian - I also just realized we really need to show Monika the initial report..like now.
Also, when you get a chance can you do post conditions and preconditions for each method that you wrote? It can be really brief, but what has to be true for each method to run and what happens afterwards :)
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