Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Ah. Menu.

This probably isn't even worth mentioning but I finished adding the buttons onto the menu...maybe I should have made it prettier. But we haven't talked about the colour scheme (perhaps green and white?) yet so I didn't want to add unnecessary work to whichever one of us is going to add the logo.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Viewing Entries

Quack. So I should probably find out how to make the viewing entries screen. This is what I ha(d)/have in mind, but I don't know if it's going to work. And I can't try it until the things for the initialization of the array is written...sigh.

Here's the type of "plan" that I'm thinking for the viewing 'o the entries. But as I said before, I can try to program this bit, but nothing will get done until the other array has been created. So I think I'll have to make a temporary array that has bogus values.

I also need to find a way to export from java to HTML. Anyways, onto that now..:D 

There are a few ideas for it including: 
  • String Builder
    • "Adding" all the information for the required HTML (in other words, adding each line individually using ".appends();" and then writing that to an HTML file rather than TXT file. 
  • RenderSnake
    • A list of classes here will provide head and body opening and closing tabs
    • There's a ton of HTML/Java crossovers (For instance: canvas.div(id("header")) in Java is equivalent to <div id = "header">
    • Can also make something Renderable

Oh, and at the fire drill, Vivian and I agreed that I'll do the whole initialize thing - creation of new class, lalala, get and set methods, lala. All of that fun stuff. 

ALSO RANDOM HIDDEN FACT - my posts will probably be super colourful because colours are fun :) 

Flow Chart

Huzzah, we started the flow chart, which  makes the program seem... a bit simpler than we thought it might be. At least for some parts. We've also divided up who's going to do what at this point:

View Entries

Insert Entries
Create object array

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Well at least we started on something. We're well......we've started the proposal and filled out bits and pieces of it (at least the ones that we know)...which is mainly Introduction (and explaining what the program does), applications (adding an entry, deleting an entry, viewing entries and exporting it to HTML), relations to computer science, optional extras and potential ethical issues.

Anyway, toddles ~~. Until next time.